Changelog --------- v8.0.1: Project changes: - updated JavaFX / OpenJFX to version 21.0.2 - fixes issue of slow app startup on macOS 14 (Sonoma) - fixes bug of inactive / unselected window after app startup - fixed bug when selecting / editing entries in Exercise / Notes / Weight list - was caused by an incompatibility of JavaFX versions between SportsTracker (requires JavaFX 21) and JFreeChart-FX (requires JavaFX 15) - updated Java to version 21.0.2 (bundled in app packages) - updated Kotlin to version 1.9.22 - updated ControlsFX to version 11.2.0 - updated commons-cli to version 1.6.0 - updated sqlite-jdbc to version - updated JUnit to version 5.10.1 - updated Mockito to version 5.9.0 SportsTracker changes: ExerciseViewer changes: v8.0.0: Project changes: - updated Java to version 21 - updated JavaFX / OpenJFX to version 21.0.1 - updated Kotlin to version 1.9.20 - updated ControlsFX to version 11.1.2 - updated JUnit to version 5.10.0 - updated Mockito to version 5.4.0 - updated JFreeChart to version 1.5.3 and JFreeChart-FX to 2.0.1 - updated sqlite-jdbc to version SportsTracker changes: - Exercise: optional values are now nullable (ascent, descent, AVG heartrate, calories) - no more workarounds for persistence and statistics needed - ExerciseList doesn't display 0 values anymore when no values are given - Statistic calculation was improved, missing values (null) are now excluded - Exercise and Weight model classes: changed value types from float to double to prevent precision and rounding issues when persisting in SQLite database - Storage of application data in SQLite database instead of XML files - Advantages: - faster loading times, almost no saving times - database schema provides foreign keys between exercises, sport types etc. to ensure data consistency - transaction support for discarding data changes - data can be processed and evaluated easily by using 3rd party SQLite database browsers (e.g. custom statistics via SQL) - SQLite storage implementation was done in plain JDBC to avoid further complexity, dependencies and performance impacts - Memory consumption of SportsTracker has not been increased due to SQLite storage compared to XML storage - Existing application data is being migrated automatically to SQLite on first application startup (XML files are not deleted for backup reasons) - The SQLite Export feature has been removed, as this is the default ExerciseViewer changes: - Garmin FIT parser: bugfix for handling laps without any speed data (when the lap contains just a break without any activity) - All XML-based parsers (GPX, TCX, Polar): fixed error when opening files with spaces or special characters in the filename - GPX parser (TopoGrafixGpxParser): bugfix for issue #260 - support for GPX files where timestamps contain timezone / offset info - Updated LeafletMap component to version 1.0.8 - adds new map layer OpenTopoMap - removed Hike&Bike map layer (not active anymore) v7.9.1: Project changes: - Bugfix: section header labels are now using bold font again on macOS - Updated JavaFX / OpenJFX to version - contains critical bugfixes for Apple Silicon support (crashed before) - updated Kotlin to version 1.7.10 - updated EasyDI to version 0.6.0 - replaced outdated dependency javax.inject with new jakarta.inject - updated sqlite-jdbc to version 3.40.0 - updated jdom2 to version - updated commons-cli to version 1.5.0 - updated JUnit to version 5.8.2 - updated Mockito to version 4.4.0 SportsTracker changes: - SQLite Exporter: - table Exercise now uses the SportSubType and Equipment primary keys (ID) for referencing sport subtypes and equipments - columns SportSubType.SPORT_SUBTYPE_ID and Equipment.EQUIPMENT_ID are not needed anymore and were removed -> makes SQL queries a lot simpler and faster - added table Meta for storing database schema version and update timestamp - Entry Filter (Exercise, Note, Weight): added support for searching for multiple words in any order (AND logic, case-insensitive) - Automatic sport type and subtype mapping when importing Garmin FIT files - user configuration is needed for mapping the SportsTracker sport types and subtypes to the matching Garmin FIT sport types and subtypes (as displayed in ExerciseViewer) - Sport Type Dialog: added UI for mapping FIT sport types and subtypes - SQLite Exporter: added FIT ID columns to SportType and SportSubType tables ExerciseViewer changes: - updated Garmin FIT SDK library to version 21.94.0, provides bugfixes and support for newer Garmin devices (e.g. Garmin Forerunner 955) v7.9.0: Project changes: - updated Kotlin to version 1.6.10 (solves JDK 16/17 compatibility issues) - updated to JavaFX / OpenJFX 17 - ensured JDK 17 compatibility - created a GitHub Actions based CI (continuous integration) pipeline for build and test execution (replaces the stalled Travis CI build) - updated ControlsFX to version 11.1.1 SportsTracker changes: - SQLite Exporter: datetime of exercises, notes and weight entries is now a string in ISO 8601 format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" instead of seconds since 1.1.1970 (makes database processing easier and content more readable) - Exercise Dialog: fixed CSS warning on dialog display (caused by a ControlsFX validation bug) ExerciseViewer changes: - Garmin FIT parser: provides heartrate zones information and times within these zones (if available) - newer Garmin devices (e.g. Garmin Forerunner 645, Garmin Fenix 5, Garmin Edge 530 and later) provide all the data - older Garmin devices (e.g. Garmin Forerunner 520 or 820, Suunto Spartan) provide only the time in the heartrate zones, not the zone boundaries - Diagram and Track Panel: bugfix for issue #243 (exercise files with completely flat altitude can't be displayed) - support for parsing and displaying power data: - Garmin FIT parser: provides power data on exercise, lap and sample level (average, maximum and normalized power for the exercise and each lap) - Optional Panel: displays power data summary for the exercise - Lap Panel: displays power data summary for each lap - Sample Panel: displays power data for each recorded sample - Diagram Panel: displays power data on each axis - Track Panel: displays power data for the current position (tooltip) - Main Panel: sport type is displayed, if available (e.g. for Garmin FIT, Polar and Timex files) v7.8.0: SportsTracker changes: - Equipment Usage: added a new dialog which displays the usages of each equipment for a selected sport type - the usage contains the total distance, duration and dates of first and last usage - Dialog can be started from the Tools menu - Exercise Dialog: an info message is shown when the user wants to store an exercise without a selected equipment (is often forgotten) - not shown when there is no equipment list for the selected sport type - SQLite Export: column DATE_TIME in table EXERCISE is now of type Integer, the previous type Text has caused problems in queries (e.g. sorting) - updated to JavaFX / OpenJFX 16 - provides improved macOS 10.15 / 11 support and several bugfixes - updated ControlsFX to version 11.1.1 - updated Kotlin to version 1.4.31 - updated packaging of native installer creation for macOS, Windows and Linux - now uses jpackage introduced with JDK 14 (JEP 343) - jpackager-backports and workarounds are not needed anymore - created packages are smaller now - Statistics Dialog: improved naming for Totals, Minimums, Averages, Maximums - singular naming leads to misunderstandings (GitHub Issue #231) - SQLiteExporter: Added export of missing entity properties (SportType.SpeedMode and Equipment.notInUse) - updated commons-cli to version 1.4 - updated sqlite-jdbc 3.34.0 - updated JUnit 5 to version 5.7.1 - updated Mockito to version 3.8.0 - use of new Java language features, introduced from Java 12 to Java 16 - JEP 286: Local-Variable Type Inference - JEP 361: Switch Expressions - JEP 378: Text Blocks - JEP 394: Pattern Matching for instanceof - Stream.toList() method (JDK-8180352) ExerciseViewer changes: - updated Garmin FIT SDK library to version 21.47.00, provides bugfixes and support for newer Garmin devices (e.g. Garmin Fenix 6) - updated Leaflet to version 1.6.0, provides various fixes and performance improvements (contributed by Thomas Feuster, PR #219) - Bugfix for reading exercise files from Garmin Fenix 6 and 5X devices (Issue #220: Failed to parse exercise file on new Garmin device) - Garmin FIT parser: improved lookup of the device / product name - added the firmware software version to the device name - Issue #234: added support for FIT files from Suunto Spartan watches (tested with model Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR Baro) - TopoGrafixGpxParser: bugfix for issue #233 - added support for heartrate data in GPX files from GatdetBridge (Android Bridge App, ) Project changes: - use the Ubuntu Focal Fossa (20.04) image in Travis CI builds - provides improved XFVB setup for GUI unit tests - provides support for OpenJDK 16 v7.7.0: SportsTracker changes: - updated to JavaFX / OpenJFX 11.0.2 - updated ControlsFX to version 11.0.0 - updated JUnit 5 to version 5.4.0 - Kotlin language can now be used in all SportsTracker Maven modules (was limited to st-exerciseviewer before) - updated Kotlin to version 1.3.41 - automatic check for SportsTracker application updates, the latest version number is downloaded from the SportsTracker website (checked on each application start after 30 seconds) - Exercise Dialog: bugfix for issue #206, the average speed input now displays the proper unit for the speed mode of the selected sport type - Equipment of sport types can now be set to 'not in use', e.g. for worn shoes - the Exercise dialog does not display the outdated equipment for selection anymore => the user must not search in long lists anymore - Sport Type Dialog: the user can toggle the 'not in use' state for each equipment - the outdated equipment is still present in older Exercise entries, Filter and Statistic dialogs - Module st-util: - ported most classes and unit tests from Java to Kotlin, so there is less code, it's null safe, and fewer tests are needed - refactoring: moved all time-related functions from class FormatUtils to new class TimeUtils ExerciseViewer changes: - Track Panel: - display altitude chart below the track map, if altitude is present - display marker in altitude chart for current track position - TopoGrafixGpxParser: bugfix for issue #188, GPX import failed if there are samples without heartrate data v7.6.0: SportsTracker changes: - updated to JDK 11 (JDK 9 and JDK 10 are not supported by Oracle anymore) - JavaFX has been added as dependencies, not part of the JDK anymore - JDK used for development and packaging: AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.2 - updated Kotlin to version 1.3.20 - fixed all reasoned Kotlin compiler warnings - fixed all reasoned Java compiler warnings, suppressed the others (generics) - GitHub issue #186: Exercise/Note/Weight Dialog: bugfix for date entries in the textfield, the new date is not ignored anymore - updated Java requirement to Java 10 - tested Local Variable Type Inference (JEP 286) in class STApplication - support for descent data in exercises (GitHub PR #190) - descent is an optional Exercise attribute, shown also in Overview Diagram and Statistic Calculation - ExerciseViewer reads and displays descent data (for Garmin FIT files only) (contributed by Alex Jarosch, completed by Stefan Saring) - ExerciseViewer reads and displays total cycles of cadence data, e.g. rotations for cycling or steps for running (for Garmin FIT files only) (contributed by Alex Jarosch, completed by Stefan Saring) - support for sport type specific speed modes (Issue #197): - the user can define for each sport type whether speed has to be handled as speed (e.g. km/h for cycling) or pace (e.g. min/km for running) - the user can define a preferred speed mode in the Preferences Dialog, this is being used for new sport types, when multiple sport types are shown and in the Overview Dialog - the speed mode of a sport type is used for entering and displaying exercise speed data and in the Exercise Viewer when showing HRM files - when speed mode has not been set for a sport type yet, then the preferred speed mode will be used - implemented new automatic SportsTracker package and installer creation for macOS, Linux and Windows - old Ant-based packaging doesn't work anymore, has been removed from JDK 11 - new packaging uses a backport of the upcoming jpackager tool (JEP 343) - see directory st-packager for further details ExerciseViewer changes: - GarminFitParser: - ported to Kotlin (incl. tests) - added basic support for swimming exercices - TopoGrafixGpxParser: added support for parsing GPX files with partial altitude data (GitHub issue #191) - updated Garmin FIT SDK library to version 20.80.00 v7.5.0: SportsTracker changes: - Java 9 / 10 update - updated Maven plugins - updated all dependencies / libraries to current versions - updated ControlsFX to version 9.0.0 - JEP 226 usage: converted all translation files of the resource bundles to UTF-8 encoding and removed all Unicode escape sequences (e.g. \u00c4) - creation or update of translation files is much easier now (see I18N.txt) - fixed encoding problems in dutch translation - update to JFreeChart 1.5.0, does not need the JCommon library anymore - added official JFreeChart-FX 1.0.0 library, custom patch not needed anymore - updated Kotlin to version 1.2.31 - updated documentation for project import and IDE setup in IDEA and Eclipse - migrated all unit tests to JUnit 5 (version 5.1.0) - provides better testing of expected exception calls and handling ExerciseViewer changes: - GarminFitParser: bugfix for handling of missing sample data, e.g. temperature, heartrate, speed (GitHub issue #168, occurred with Edge 800 files) - Diagram Panel improvements: - use of transparent area charts instead of line charts - added crosshair lines when clicking a position in the chart - use of suited graph colors - don't display the diagram chart and axis selection when no diagram data available (an info message is shown instead) - remove heartrate axis with weird values when no heartrate data available => much better readability and comparability - Diagram Panel (Issue #162): display an average line for the left value axis (just for the left axis and without labels to keep the diagram readable) - Main Panel improvements: - added heartrate availability info to the Recording Mode section - new packaging of native application installers by using Ant and the official JavaFX Ant plugin (the Maven plugin used before is not up to date yet and contains many bugs) v7.4.1: SportsTracker changes: - Calendar View: - Issue #141: today is highlighted in a blue circle (red for sundays) - removed layout workarounds (JavaFX bugs have been fixed) - STApplication: removed Swing Look&Feel workaround (no Swing map anymore) - Refactoring: removed resource lookup in entity classes - updated Java runtime to Java SE/FX 8u144, contains a bugfix for a memory leak in the WebView used by LeafletMap ExerciseViewer changes: - ported all exercise parsers and the unit tests written in Groovy to Kotlin - less dependencies, Groovy is not needed anymore (was big) - parser implementations are now faster and more stable (Kotlin is typesafe) - refactoring of PolarHrmParser and some other parsers implemented in Groovy (huge monolithic code blocks) - Kotlin can now be used in all modules together with Java (no more mixed compilation issues with Groovy code) - ported all data, core and UI classes from Java to Kotlin - less and simpler code, better maintainable - null safety in data model and view classes => no exceptions anymore when specific values are missing / null - Diagram Panel: missing values are not longer displayed as 0 values -> improves readability of diagrams - removed compiler warnings in LeafletMap component - Issue #159: added support for Garmin Edge 820 exercise files - updated Garmin FIT SDK library to version 20.33.01, previous FIT library was not able to parse exercise files with the new protocol format 2.0 - added unit test for a Garmin Edge 820 exercise file - updated Kotlin to version 1.1.50 - TimexPwxParser: bugfixes for parsing of recording modes, speed and distance data v7.4.0: SportsTracker changes: - the bundled Java runtime has been updated to Java SE/FX 8u121 ExerciseViewer changes: - Issue #153: added chart smoothing in diagram view for all axis types - makes charts with a lot of sample data better readable - most improvements for speed, cadence and heartrate charts - Preferences: added option for displaying smoothed charts, enabled by default - Preferences: renamed option for displaying a secondary chart (some users can loose their previous preferences, needs to be set again) - Garmin TCX parser: added support for run cadence sensors (issue #154) (no need to add to Garmin FIT parser, already supported there) - Track Panel: use of Leaflet map viewer instead of Swing-based JXMapViewer2 - added JavaFX component leafletmap as a separate Maven module, it's a wrapper for simple usage of the Leafletmap JavaScript map viewer inside the embedded JavaFX web browser - new map viewer supports multiple map layers, changeable inside the viewer - OpenStreetMap (default) - OpenCycleMap - Hike & Bike Map - MTB Map - new map viewer displays a scale control - new map viewer display common markers in multiple colors for start, end and all the lap split positions - implementation details: - leafletmap was implemented in Kotlin for SportsTracker - leafletmap has no SportsTracker dependencies, can be used in other projects too - much less implementation code for map usage (50% removed in TrackPanelController) - JavaFX migration is now completed, no more Swing usage in SportsTracker - all the Swing-in-JavaFX integration workarounds were removed - fixed memory leaks when closing the ExerciseViewer window v7.3.0: SportsTracker changes: - removed invalid version numbers from french and spanish translations - bugfix #51 for importing HRM exercise files: import duration only, when no distance is being recorded for the selected sport type - Export of all SportsTracker application data to a SQLite database, provides much more capabilities for data analysis, statistics or migration (for advanced users with SQL skills, see README.txt for documentation) - added generic filter for all entry types, note and weight entries are now filterable too (user can select the filter type in the filter dialog) - updated ControlsFX to version 8.40.12 (provides bugfixes and solves JDK compatibility issues) - updated JDOM to version 2.0.6 (bugfixes) - updated JUnit to version 4.12 - updated Mockito to version 1.10.19 ExerciseViewer changes: - Pull Request #9: Improved support for Garmin Fenix (2) exercise files, the missing max speed, avg and max heartrate are now calculated (contributed by Alexander Rampp ) - updated map viewer component JXMapViewer2 to version 2.2 (bugfixes) v7.2.0: SportsTracker changes: - Native SportsTracker packages are now containing all documentation files (README, LICENSE, CHANGES, AUTHORS, ...) - Native SportsTracker packages are displaying the GPLv2 license text before installation (tested on Mac OS X) - Exercise Dialog: preselection of sport type and subtype when adding new exercises, if there is only one choice - update of ControlFX to 8.40.10 for compatibility to Java 8u60+ - updated javafx-maven-plugin to version 8.2.0 - simpler inclusion of additional app resources - GPL license is displayed before installation (Mac / Windows) - better UI when opening the DMG package on Mac OS X - use of EasyDI 0.3.0 instead of Guice for dependency injection - much faster startup time (DI takes about 200 msec instead of 700 msec) - much smaller library (6 KByte instead of 2,7 MByte for Guice incl. Guava) - less memory usage after startup (about 10 MByte) - removed cyclic dependencies on STController in all entry views - update of the bundled Java runtime to Java SE/FX 8u77, which contains many bug and security fixes ExerciseViewer changes: - added support for Polar RCX3 HRM files (contains limited data only) - bugfix for parsing FIT files of Garmin Fenix 2 devices (missing max speed) (contribution by Alex Rampp, GitHub pull request #6) - updated Garmin FIT SDK library to version 16.50 (improves support for latest Garmin Devices) - Exercise parsers: read device name from exercise files if available (e.g. "Garmin EDGE 520" or "Timex Global Trainer") - Main Panel: - display device name if available - moved 'device name' and 'type' to bottom of 'General Data' section - removed Polar-specific exercise attributes 'type number' and 'user ID' from parser and Exercise Viewer (no usage, very cryptic, e.g. "2") Project changes: - use the Ubuntu Trusty image in Travis CI builds, it contains the latest Java 8 JDK (no workaround installation needed anymore) v7.1.0: SportsTracker changes: - update of the bundled Java runtime to Java SE/FX 8u45, which contains many bugfixes - removed workarounds for Java versions earlier than 8u40 - Exercise, Note and Weight Dialogs: use of one formatted text input for the entry time instead of separate inputs for hour and minute (always ensures valid time values and displayed format) - Overview Dialog: use of a spinner control for the year selection, incl. mouse wheel support - Travis CI: use of latest Oracle Java release (8u45) from 3rd party PPA repo (missing in Ubuntu repository) - update of ControlFX to 8.40.9 - added support of HiDPI / Retina displays for all icons and text (all images and icons are now available as @2x-versions) ExerciseViewer changes: - Bugfixes in Diagram Panel (bug #49): - time axis in diagram must always start at 00:00 (the timezone offset needs to be ignored) - display lap markers at proper time positions - display proper formatted time in chart tooltips Translations: - updated french translation by Olivier M. v7.0.0: SportsTracker changes: - use of no_aop version of Guice 3.0, is smaller and has less dependencies - update of Groovy to 2.4.1 - update of JDOM to version 2.0.5 - update of SwingX to 1.6.5-1 - replaced SwingX-WS 1.0 library by JXMapViewer2 2.0 library - SwingX-WS is not under development anymore - JXMapViewer2 is an active, compatible fork with bug fixes, hosted at: - switched compiler to Java 8 in module st-exerciseviewer (already done in all other modules) - use of Java 8 Lambda features in module st-exerciseviewer - bugfix (reported by Doug Harple): adding an exercise via drag & drop of a HRM exercise file is now also possible when there are no exercises yet (a sport type must exist at least) - update to JFreeChart 1.0.19 (and JCommon 1.0.23) which provides JavaFX support - full rewrite of the SportsTracker and ExerciseViewer user interface by using JavaFX instead Swing - user interfaces are now declared in FXML using SceneBuilder - JavaFX provides improved look & feel (not native, same on all platforms) - no more UI problems on Linux (Swing system look & feel was horrible) - use of native file chooser dialogs on all platforms - all SportsTracker dialogs: added instant input validation - all required inputs are marked with a red upper left corner - the OK button is active only when all required user inputs are available and all inputs are valid - Exercise List View: - new table menu in header (+) for simple enabling / disabling table columns - list of optional columns (as configured in Preferences) is now used at application startup only (renamed to 'initial optional fields') - Calendar View: redesigned look (colors, fonts, ...) - Calendar View and Overview Diagram: bugfix for weeknumber calculation - initial set of sport types is added when there are no sport types defined, it makes the setup easier for new application users - new icon set for SportsTracker toolbar and context menus, taken from the Free Version of the IcoMoon project (, GPL licensed) or new creations based on the IcoMoon icons - support for Suunto Ambit watches (tested with Ambit2, downloaded GPX files) - Native SportsTracker packages and installers are created during build - implemented in module st-packager (see PACKAGER.txt) - created packages include the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) -> easier setup, users must not install Java anymore - created installers (depending on the build system): - Windows: application package and Inno Setup installer - Mac OS X: application package, DMG and PKG installers - Linux: application package, DEB package (RPM too, not tested) - reduced memory usage: - asynchronous garbage collection is triggered after each closed dialog or changed view (otherwise the JVM prefers to allocate additional heap memory) - maximum heap size of created native packages is limited to 192 MB - faster loading of user data from XML files (about 25%) by using bulk operations for initial list setup - removed external tool polarpersonaltrainer-importer (in directory 'misc'), not in use anymore (import of Polar .ped files is still supported) - About Dialog: added license informations - Help Menu: added menu item for visiting the project website ExerciseViewer changes: - Track Panel: added position slider for replaying the track in the map, a tooltip displays all the details of the current track position Translations: - added korean translation provided by Tae Young Ko - updated french translation pvovided by Nicolas Ollivier - updated spanish translation provided by Luis Llorente Campo v6.0.0: SportsTracker changes: - switched compiler to Java 8 (except for module st-exerciseviewer) - replaced mocking framework EasyMock 3.2 with Mockito 1.9.5 (much better API and easier to use) - switch to IntelliJ IDEA 13 as project IDE, added project files to VCS - reformated all Java and Groovy source files to common Java source code format guidelines (reformating done by IntelliJ IDEA) - cleanup of import statements in all Java and Groovy source files (done by IntelliJ IDEA) - fixed all compiler warnings - fixed warnings reported by the IntelliJ IDEA Code Inspector - fixed warnings found by IntelliJ IDEA code inspector - removed Java WebStart installation option (since Java 7u40 there were security warnings on each ST start due to missing signed certificates) -> free signed certificates are not available for open source projects - use of Lambda features in module st-util - use of Lambda features in module sportstracker - use new Java Date Time API (JSR 310) in all SportsTracker modules - provides a better API for creation, conversion and formatting - provides type separation of date, time and date time (less errors) v5.8.0 (not released): SportsTracker changes: - use of new default Mercurial repository after SourceForge project platform update - update of libraries to recent versions: - update of Groovy to version 2.1.7 - update of JFreeChart to version 1.0.15 - update of JUnit to 4.11 - update of EasyMock to 3.2 - update of Maven plugins to recent versions: - update of maven-compiler-plugin to version 3.2 - update of groovy-eclipse-compiler to version 2.8.0-01 - update of groovy-eclipse-batch to version 2.1.5-03 - update of maven-dependency-plugin to version 2.8 - successfull tests of SportsTracker with Java 8 EA (build 106) Translations: - updated french translation by Nicolas Ollivier v5.7.0: ExerciseViewer changes: - update of Garmin FIT SDK to version 4.20 (for parsing FIT files) - support for Garmin Forerunner 910XT exercises (Feature request #3578651) => there are still minor problems in exercises with sport type transitions, e.g. for triathlon) - Timex Ironman Run Trainer PWX support (bug report #3599059): - added support for Timex Ironman Run Trainer PWX exercises, calculation of missing statistic data - unit test for Timex Ironman Run Trainer PWX files - proper error handling when ExerciseViewer parsers fail to read an exercise file (displays an error message dialog and prints error details to the console) Translations: - updated spanish translation by Luis Llorente Campo - updated german translation by Stefan Saring v5.6.0: SportsTracker changes: - Findbugs bugfixes in all modules (minor code improvements) - Mac OS X application bundle creation: - The huge JRE is not included anymore, the app size is now 12 MByte instead of 67 before. Since JDK 7u6 for OS X the launcher is able to find the installed JRE (needs to be installed!) - The appbundler Ant library is now included, no installation needed. - Java WebStart for Mac OS X is working again, when JDK / JRE 7u6 or later is installed. - Overview Dialog: improved weight graph (SF feature request #3554633): Missing weight values will be interpolated instead of set to 0. - Calendar View: (SF feature request #3082257): current day is better recognizable by using a different color (blue for weekdays, red/orange for sundays) - Overview Dialog: - new diagram mode for sport subtype overview of a selected sport type (shows the distances per sport subtype of one sport type) - new diagram mode for equipment usage overview of a selected sport type (shows the distances per equipment of one sport type) - bigger size, much more readable (still fits on 1024x768 displays) - update to Groovy 2.0.1, usage of new Groovy features - use only the required Groovy modules instead of groovy-all dependency => the Groovy libraries are now about 3 MByte smaller - use of the new Groovy-Eclipse compiler plugin for Maven (2.7.0_01) - usage of the new @TypeChecked type checking at compilation time in all Groovy unit tests, type errors are now found immediately - usage of the new @TypeChecked type checking makes no sense for the Groovy exercise parsers, the dynamic XML parsing features can't be used anymore - update of JDOM library to version 2.0.2 ExerciseViewer changes: - Garmin TCX Parser: Fix for SourceForge-Bug #3551583 (Fail to parse tcx files with laps without altitude) - Track Panel: added tooltips to all track points, so the track can now be followed easily on the map. The tooltips show: - track point number, time, distance - altitude, heartrate, speed, temperature (if available) Translations: - updated german translation by Stefan Saring - updated french translation by Nicolas Ollivier v5.5.0: ExerciseViewer changes: - Bugfix in the Timex PWX exercise parser (occurs e.g. on Timex Ironman GPS T5K444 after installing a firmware update) SportsTracker changes: - update of JDOM library from version 1.1.3 to 2.0.1, (API changes) - supports generics now, unchecked-warnings doesn't need to be suppressed anymore - Maven project in Eclipse IDE: ignoring the maven-dependency-plugin in the Eclipse lifecycle => no more error messages - exclusion of Java WebStart (javaws.jar) dependency in BSAF, so Maven build now works for JDK 7 on Mac OS X - all Dialogs are now always placed centered relative to their parent windows (doesn't make sense to restore the previous position when the parent has been moved) - Bugfix for Mac OS X: all Dialogs were always placed in upper left corner now centered relative to their parents - Toolbars in Mac OS X: - all buttons are now displayed in OS X toolbar style - rollover effects in Calendar view are disabled - Ant script for Mac OS X App bundle creation (located in misc/appbundler) - New HiRes SportsTracker application icon, old LowRes icon looked ugly in larger toolbars or application switchers (mostly on Mac OS X, Windows 7) - SportsTracker icon is available in many sizes, it's needed for different window and dock sizes depending on the operating system and user settings (automatic scaling looks ugly) - Execise file existence check after application startup. A warning dialog displays all exercises where the attached files can't be found. - Toolbars: no focus painted for buttons anymore, was strange behavior - updated signature keys for Java Webstart installation (old keys will expire in 2013) v5.4.0: SportsTracker changes: - switch to Java 7 compiler, so new language features can be used (so users also need Java 7 for SportsTracker execution) - use of new Java 7 language features (Project coin) - use of try-with-resources statements, fixes many error handling bugs - use of diamond operator for Gernerics type inference - use of multicatch for similar exceptions handling - use of new Objects class for hashcode computation - Exercise, Note and Weight dialog: dialogs can be closed with Escape key when the focus is on the date picker component (initial focus) - SF Feature Request 2927194: copy entries (exercises, notes, weights) - user can simply copy entries from the context or main menu, he only needs to enter the new date - All Exercise, Note and Weight actions (add, edit, copy): => select the edited entry in the current view when action is completed (bigger refactoring for automatic view updates after data changes) - Use of @Override annotation instead of {@inheritDoc} in all classes, so implementation errors can be detected by the compiler - Refactoring in all Exericse/Notw/WeightListView: move the similar methods to BaseListView base class - Exercise / Note / Weight List View: context menu on right mouse click for adding, editing, copying and deleting the selected table entry - Maven build: update to groovy-eclipse-compiler 2.5.2 which - adds support for Eclipse 3.7.1 - adds support for Java 7 - needs less custom configuration in pom.xml - added Windows icon for custom launcher configurations (st-logo.ico) - XMLStorageTest: cleanup of temporary files after test run - removed lots of compiler warnings (mostly for serialization issues) - update of JFreeChart to version 1.0.14 - update of Groovy to version 1.8.6 - update of SwingX to version 1.6.3 - update of JDOM to version 1.1.3 - update of MiGLayout to version 3.7.4 - update of JUnit to version 4.10 ExerciseViewer changes: - GPX parser (TopoGrafixGpxParser) extensions provided by Alex Wulms : - added heartrate support and speed & distance calculation - added support and unit tests for Garmin Oregon and HOLUX FunTrek devices - README: documentation for device support of W Kalenji 300 and CW Kalenji 700 (when using Translations: - updated spanish and basque translations by Asier Urio Larrea v5.3.0: ExerciseViewer changes: - SF Bug #3203396: TopoGrafixGpxParser: parse GPX files with missing timestamps in track metadata SportsTracker changes: - update to Guice 3.0 (final) - Weight dialog: when adding new entries, initialize it with weight from previous entry - update to BSAF 1.9.2 (contains many bugfixes, comes now from the central Maven repository) - Groovy updated to 1.8.0 - Maven build: use of groovy-eclipse-compiler for mixed Java/Groovy compilation (GMaven is outdated for Groovy 1.8.0 and m2e) => ST project can't be opened in Eclipse 3.7, there are problems with the recent m2e and Groovy-Eclipse plugins - EasyMock updated to version 3.0 (performs class mocking directly) - tested SportsTracker with Java 7, no problems v5.2.0: SportsTracker changes: - added IntelliJ IDEA project files to Mercurial ignore list (IDEA can now also be used for development) - update to BSAF 1.9 GA (final), which contains many bugfixes, also for the Command+Q-Shutdown problem on MacOS X - update to JUnit 4.8.2 - update to Guice 3.0 (RC2) - use of standardized javax.inject annotations (JSR 330) for Dependency Injection (so the DI Container could be easily exchanged) - Guice API is only used for DI Container setup - Groovy updated to version 1.7.6 - SportsTracker has been successfully tested on Java SE 7 (Developer preview release), it compiles and runs without any problems ExerciseViewer changes: - bugfix in GarminFitParserTest (date comparision fails on other timezones than Europe/Berlin) - TopoGrafix GPX v1.1 support (SourceForge Feature request #1910611) - contains mostly track data only, but also supports optional time and altitude data - Main panel: display only available data and "n.a." otherwise (instead of 0 when missing) - Timex PWX support (by Robert Schultz ): - added support for Timex Ironman Global Trainer PWX exercises, including GPS data (displayed in Track panel) and cadence data - unit test for Timex Ironman Global Trainer PWX files Translations: - updated spanish translation by Luis Llorente Campo v5.1.0: SportsTracker changes: - updated to SwingX 1.6.1 (DatePicker improvements) ExerciseViewer changes: - Garmin FIT Parser (support for Garmin FIT activity files): - full support for all data which can be shown in ExerciseViewer (summary, lap data, sample data, track/map data, temperature data) - unit tests for GarminFITParser - ConvertUtils: new conversion method from semicircles to degrees - Lap class extension: atty for geographical position at lap split - parsed and stored in the Garmin FIT and TCX parser - TrackPanel: draw "S" next to start and "E" next to end waypoint - TrackPanel: draw white waypoint circles for each lap split position - TrackPanel: draw lap number next to each lap split waypoint - TrackPanel: waypoint circles and their texts have a dark border, so they are also visible on backgrounds with same color v5.0.0: General changes: - CHANGE TO MAVEN BUILD SYSTEM (not Ant-based anymore) - Maven multi project: split into modules for strict separation, wrong module dependencies are not possible anymore - Current Maven modules: - sportstracker: Main application component. - st-exerciseviewer: Component for parsing and displaying HRM exercise files (was named PolarViewer before, but support now many other devices too) - st-util: Component with common util classes for calculation, UI and more - st-parent: Parent component with common plugin configuration and dependencies - Dependency Jars are not part of the source archive anymore, they will be downloaded automatically in the build process - Setup of a Maven repository at for BSAF and current JFreeChart (they are missing in Maven central repository) - GMaven plugin in build process: - Groovy classes can be used in all modules, also for tests - Groovy classes are now stored in own groovy source directories - Groovy and Java code can have circular dependencies - Groovy tests are executed automatically in test phase (AllGroovyTest wrapper class not needed anymore) - documentation of Maven usage in README.txt - CHANGE TO MERCURIAL DISTRIBUTED VERSION CONTROL SYSTEM - the initial Mercurial repository contains the latest SVN trunk (version 4.2.1) - the SVN history was not imported to Mercurial repository (would be too much revisions, also from Mono/.NET past) => start with a lean repository - the SVN repository will stay online at SourceForge for accessing all history revisions - future commits will go all to Mercurial repository, not to SVN anymore - SCM documentation in README.txt SportsTracker changes: - All dialogs can now be closed by pressing the Escape key - PolarPersonalTrainer-Importer (command line utility in misc-directory), contributed by Philippe Marzouk - users of can import the exercises of export files (extension .ped) into the SportsTracker exercises.xml database - Ant script for signing JAR files for Java WebStart (located in sportstracker/misc/webstart/build.xml) PolarViewer/ExcerciseViewer changes: - PolarViewer has been renamed to ExerciseViewer, because it supports much more heart rate monitor manufacturers than Polar (was the case at beginning) - changed package name de.saring.polarviewer to de.saring.exerciseviewer - all PolarViewer resource keys and texts/translation has been renamed - rename in all documentations (also in source code) - all PV* classes has been renamed to EV* (e.g. PVDocument -> EVDocument) - PolarPedParser, contributed by Philippe Marzouk : - ExerciseParser for export files (.ped extension) from (imports basic exercise data, no laps and sample data) - Exercise samples with dynamic timestamps (needed for support of many heratrate monitors, e.g. for Garmin TCX exercises): - new atty ExerciseSample.timestamp => offset in 1/1000 sec from Exercise start - ExerciseSample.timestamp is set in all ExerciseParser implementations - Sample and Diagram panel are using the ExerciseSample.timestamp for displaying sample data - Garmin TCX Parser: - support for parsing lap (Lap) and sample (Trackpoint) data, including unit tests (parses the speed, distance, altitude and cadence) - added some cadence test data to Edge705-Running-Heartrate-2Laps.tcx (doesn't make sense for running exercises, but test data is needed) - parses and stores the GPS location data (incl. checks in unit tests) - Track Panel for displaying the track of the exercise inside a map: - new class Position class stores the GPS location data, is an optional atty in ExerciseSample - new flag EVExercise.RecordMode.location, it's true when GPS data is available - new class TrackPanel (named "Track"), it displays the track in a map component (JXMapKit from SwingX-WS with OpenStreetMap backend) - TrackPanel displays a label for missing data if there's no track data - track/map feature documentation in README.txt - Timex PWX exercise file support - contributed by Robert Schultz - tested with Timex Ironman Race Trainer, could work with others too - implementation of TimexPwxParser, unit tests and example files (initial release, does not parse all available data yet) v4.2.1 (no public release, internal marker only): SportsTracker changes: - Better Swing Application Framework 1.9 RC4 replaces Swing Application Framework 1.03 (the SAF project has no progress) - BSAF contains many bugfixes and improvements - BSAF Jar is much smaller, swing-worker.jar is not needed aynmore - JUnit updated to version 4.8.1 - MiGLayout updated to version and bugfixes in MigLayout usage - Groovy updated to version 1.7.2 - EasyMock updated to version 2.5.2 - downgrade to JDOM 1.1 because 1.1.1 is not available in Maven repositories (1.1.1 doesn't have critical bugfixes) - Eclipse project configuration updates v4.2.0: SportsTracker changes: - Eclipse project update to Eclipse 3.5 and Groovy-Eclipse 2.0.0 => much better Groovy integration, all parsers and tests are now running within the IDE) - Groovy updated to 1.7.0 - fixed all Eclipse 3.5 compiler warnings - Overview Dialog: - Diagram type "last 12 months": - display current month and 12 months before (in total 13 months) (good for compare current month and the one from year before) - show only month names on bottom axis (year not required, space is not sufficient) - fixed all deprecated JFreeChart usages (also in PolarViewer) - new tool: sportstracker-importer 0.5 (added to 'misc' directory) - done for importing all your Polar HRM files at once - created by Jiri Polcar - MacOS X support improvements and bugfixes, contributed by Mathias Obst : - the name of the application is set in the application menu bar - all SportsTracker menus appear in the global applications menu panel - the SportsTracker logo is set as application dock icon - the SportsTracker info box is accessible by application menu About item - the SportsTracker preferences are accessible by application menu Preferences item - Accelerators (shortcuts) use Cmd key mask - Bugfix: if SportsTracker is exited by application menu Quit item or Cmd+Q accelerator, data changes will be saved or asked to save PolarViewer changes: - Garmin TCX exercise file support (initial version) (feature requests #1511988 and #1687728) - parser implementation, unit tests and test files - PolarViewer now displays TCX files - SportsTracker now imports exercise data from TCX files v4.1.1: SportsTracker changes: - updated to JDOM 1.1.1 (bugfixes) - updated to SwingX 1.6 (full Nimbus L&F support and Java SE 6 optimzed) - updated NetBeans project files to NetBeans 6.8 PolarViewer changes: - SF Bug #2926797: bugfix for parsing date in Polar SRD exercise files (parsed year was 2016 instead of 2010) Translations: - updated french translation by Nicolas Ollivier - updated czech translation by Petr Marcik v4.1.0: SportsTracker changes: - update to JFreeChart 1.0.13 (contains bugfixes and new features, e.g. the diagram charts can now be copied to the clipboard) - update to Guice 2.0 for dependency injection (includes aopalliance.jar) - Exercise List View (patches by Remco den Breeje and improvements and enhancements by Stefan Saring ): - user can now configure in the Options Dialog which optional exercise fields (avg heartrate, ascent, energy, comment) are shown in the list - column order can now be changed in the list view - SwingX updated to version 1.0 (many bugfixes) - Groovy updated to 1.6.3 - updated SportsTracker project to NetBeans 6.7 (final) - added mouse wheel support in hour and minute spinner controls in Exercise, Note and Weight dialogs (initiated by Frank Besler , refactored by Stefan Saring) - SF Bug #2471304: bugfix in Exercise Dialog when checking relation between distance, avg speed and duration - documentation updates (ReadMe.txt) - Eclipse project update Translations: - updated dutch translation by Eric Spierings - updated french translation by Nicolas Ollivier - updated german translation by Stefan Saring v4.0.0: SportsTracker changes: - bugfix in Calendar view tooltips (SF Bug #2471304): speed (km/h) instead of pace (min/km) gets displayed - SwingX updated to version 0.9.5, my bugreport #750 was fixed there (antialiasing in the month view of the date picker) => my workaround can be removed (custom org.jdesktop.swingx.plaf.basic.BasicMonthViewUI) - refactoring: - IdObjectList:set(): no boolean return value anymore - ExerciseList:set(): replaced by IdDateObjectList:set() (much simpler) - new class IdDateObject which adds the attribute 'date' to IdObject - base class for all ID-objects with a timestamp - Exercise class now uses IdDateObject - new class IdDateObjectList which stores objects sorted by date - ExerciseList class now uses IdDateObjectList, no custom set() required anymore - unit tests for storing in IdDateObjectList - new IdObjectListChangeListener for observing list content changes for sport types, exercises, nots and weights => so STDocument must only register for these lists and must not act as a proxy for all list modification functions => much STDocument code has been removed => STDocument:setDirtyDate() not needed anymore - IdDateObjectList: method for getting entries in a time range + module test - unit tests for IdObjectListChangeListener - XMLStorage refactoring: - move the reader and writer code to one class for each list type - use same reader / write instances instead of always creating new ones - util class XMLUtils for common XML functions => no more code duplicates - correct clone() implementation in data classes SportType, SportSubType and Equipment => unit tests for clone implementation - update to new JFreeChart 1.0.12 (bugfixes) - Calendar View: - highlight the current day with bold font (will not be selected by default anymore) - action "Select today" only selects the month of the current date - only one calendar entry can be selected, not the calendar cells anymore (the selection rectangle is only drawed behind the selected entry) => the CalendarCellExerciseListDialog is not needed anymore (deleted with all its resources) => all actions in CalendarView are now also available when one day cell has multiple entries (much better usability) - class CalendarEntry can now contain any IdDateObject types - simpler Drag & Drop of HRM files: will be dropped to the exercise under the mouse cursor (now also possible when a calendar cell contains multiple entries) - refactoring: split of huge drawCalendar() into multiple methods - popup menu on right mouse clicks for all the entry actions (add, edit, delete) - documentation for all views in the README.txt - SportsTracker menu improvements: - "Edit Exercise" renamed to "Edit Entry", works for all entry types - "Delete Exercise" renamed to "Delete Entry", works for all entry types - fixed all compiler warning for wrong usage of Java generics - Overview Dialog: - refactoring: updateDiagram() was splitted to multiple methods (was huge) - diagram content selection widgets are now hidden instead of disabled when not in use - new icon graphics for calendar, list views and add entry actions (modified icons from the Gnome and Tango projects) - support for Note and Weight entries: - new classes Note and NoteList for note entries and Weight and WeightList for body weight entries in the calendar (based on IdDateObject and IdDateObjectList) - XSD schemas for Note and Weight XML and XML test files - XMLNoteList and XMLWeightList for reading and writing notes and weights from or to XML files - unit tests for XMLNoteList and XMLWeightList - new Note List and Weight List views for displaying all note and weight entries (similar to Exercise List view) - new abstract class BaseListView which contains common functionality for all list views - use of BaseListView for ExerciseListView (no more redundant code) - new convert and format methods for weight values including unit tests (FormatUtils and ConvertUtils) - Note and Weight entries are displayed in Calendar View => can be edited by double clicking them - new menu and toolbar items "Add Note" and "Add Weight" - new Note dialog for adding or editing note entries - new Weight dialog for adding or editing weight entries - Overview Dialog: new Weight graph for the selected time range - documentation of Note and Weight entry usage in the README.txt - STController: check for existing entries of the proper type before printing an list view - use of java.util.logging API instead of System.out/error (more detailed, can be redirected to files or something else) - update to Groovy 1.6.0 => tons of bugfixes and performance improvements => JSR 223 Scripting Engine is now included, groovy-engine.jar is not needed anymore PolarViewer changes: - Contribution by Remco den Breeje : Support for Polar S510 RAW files (maybe also for S410 and S520, untested) - new HSR raw file parser, unit tests and test files - HSR raw files can be downloaded via the SonicRead tool ( - Bugfix #2535591: support for HRM files of Polar CS600 (files must be downloaded on Windows) Translations: - updated german translation by Stefan Saring - updated french translation by Nicolas Ollivier - updated polish translation by Zbigniew Ogledzki - updated spanish and basque translations by Asier Urio Larrea - updated czech translation by Petr Marcik v3.6.0: SportsTracker changes: - drag & drop of HRM exercise files to the calendar view, successfully tested on Linux (Gnome 2.24 and KDE 4.1) and Windows (XP) => now much easier to import/assign lots of HRM files => check usage instructions in the ReadMe - Calendar view: tooltips for all displayed exercises (contain more informations, the calendar cell has not too much space) - update to new JFreeChart 1.0.11 (bugfixes) - improved axis layout and font usage - diagram bugfix: use always the same font as the parent componment (otherwise there are BIG fonts on Win32 systems) - update to Groovy 1.5.7 (bugfixes) - updated project to NetBeans 6.5 (older versions not supported anymore) - Groovy support in the IDE out of the box (not perfect but very helpful) (Syntax highlighting, code completion, debugging) - updated czech translation by Petr Marcik - updated french translation by Nicolas Ollivier - fixed all Eclipse warning for wrong generics usage, ... - library directory improvements - renamed folder libs to lib (consistent with created dist directory) - lib folder contains only libraries required for the application - new lib/test folder contains only libraries for test classes - new lib/build folder contains only libraries for the build script - added ANT build file 'build-no-netbeans.xml' for building and testing SportsTracker on systems with no NetBeans installation or for users of other IDE's - Eclipse project: - removed all duplicate resource warnings for .svn-subdirectories PolarViewer changes: - Diagram Panel: diagram chart will now be correctly redrawn when screen size changes (it was just scaled before) v3.5.0: SportsTracker changes: - new interface STContext and implementation class for distribution of all GUI-related dependencies to all application components (it also contains the SwingApplicationFramework context and convinience methods) - use of Guice 1.0 for dependency injection - the benefits are: - no more static singleton access (STMain.getInstance(), STMain.getDocument(), STMain.getView(), ...) - all components only get access to the inserted components, this this prevents invalid/unwanted component dependecies - refactoring: move of document- and view-functionality from the sub-components and the dialogs to STController class => much less dependencies, all components are better testable - move of FormatUtils from STView to STContext, now they can be accessed from everywhere without the STView dependency - CalendarCellExerciseListDialog: removed STDocument dependencies - use of Guice Provides's to create dialogs with dependency injection (in AboutDialog, ExerciseDialog, OptionsDialog, FilterDialog, StatisticDialog, OverviewDialog, SportTypeListDialog, SportTypeDialog, HRMFileOpenDialog, StatisticResultsDialog, CalendarCellExerciseListDialog) - disadvanteges of Guice usage (not dramatic): SportsTracker needs almost 1 sec longer at initial start and uses 2,5 MByte more memory (Spring would not be better) => application performance has not changed after startup - STDocument, STView and STController are now encapsulated by interfaces, so they can be simply replaced for unit testing (e.g. by mock objects) - Refactoring ResourceHelper: - renamed to ResourceReader - not static anymore, can be accessed by all components from STContext - Refactoring STMessageDialog: - removed this class, message and confirmation dialogs can now be created in STContext => no more static access, so the STContext / the dialogs can be replaced by mocks in unit tests - Refactoring HRMFileOpenDialog: no static access anymore - Refactoring: New interface ExerciseView for all view implementations, so the views can be mocked in unit tests. It also contains the ExerciseView enumeration from STView, it's now called ViewType. - added EasyMock 2.4 library for unit testing - example unit tests for STController:deleteExercise() => now very easy possible via dependency injection and mocking => basis for tests when adding new features/bugfixes - Options Dialog: configuration of the default automatic calculation type in the Exercise Dialog (distance, avg speed or duration) - Printing support: - List view: print table of displayed exercises (confirmation dialog when there are too many exercises displayed) - Calendar view: prints the calendar of the selected month and year - unit tests for printing in STController - Nimbus Look&Feel improvements for the date picker widget (JXDatePicker from SwingX project) - draw the Nimbus focus border when the textfield gets the focus - display a better dropdown-icon (still not the original Nimbus one but does not look so terrible anymore) - use antialiased text in the month view component - bugfix of text antialiasing in the JXDatePicker (from SwingX project) - bugfix in custom BasicMonthViewUI, will hopefully be included in SwingX 0.9.4 => DatePickerUtils workarounds were removed - updated czech translation by Petr Marcik - Sourceforge Feature request #2106264: Optional command line parameter '--datadir' for setting a custom application data directory. Example for storing data in the installation directory: 'java -jar SportsTracker.jar --datadir=.' - SwingX updated to version 0.9.4 (the JAR is 250 kByte smaller). My DatePickerAddon bugfix (bug #913) was included => workaround removed. - PolarViewer changes: - use of Guice for dependency injection (same as for SportsTracker) - new context interface PVContext (just a subset of STContext) - no more (static) central access via PVMain in all components - all components only get the dependecies they are need - the PVOptions are now stored in PVDocument => less code after all changes - contributions by Roland Hostettler for the Polar F6 exercise parser: - support for percental heartrate ranges - support for Polar F11 exercise files, including unit tests (file download requires version 0.0.3 of the f6-split-tool) v3.4.2: SportsTracker changes: - rollover effect buttons in the Calendar View toolbar, works on all look & feels (adopted from the jEdit project - - updated french translation by Nicolas Ollivier - SwingX updated to version 0.9.3 (bugfixes) - JFreeChart updated to version 1.0.10 (bugfixes) PolarViewer changes: - contribution by Kai Pastor : support for Oregon Scientific SmartSync WM100 exercise files (CSV format) (display files in PolarViewer and import exercise data) v3.4.1: SportsTracker changes: - bugfix: exceptions in Sport type list dialog when no sport types defined v3.4.0: SportsTracker changes: - redesigned Exercise dialog for usability improvements, it is now better understandable for new users - the changes are: - vertical arrangement of sport type, sport subtype and intensity comboboxes => label and combobox are on one line and the combobox texts can be longer - vertical arrangement of distance, avg speed and duration textfields => no more "Calculate ..." buttons (was very confusing), there's an "Automatic Calculation" checkbox for each textfield instead => so the user can choose which value will be calculated automatically on change of the other values (distance, avg speed or duration) - vertical arrangement of optional ascent, heartrate and calories textfields => label and textfield are on one line, better readability - HRM: the Import and View buttons are now below the HRM filename textfield => HRM filename textfield displays longer filenames better and the Import and View buttons got better (longer) names - the hour and minute inputs now select their text when they get the focus (so the time can be entered much faster) - redesigned Options dialog for usability improvements: - splitted into 3 panels: Main, Units and PolarViewer => number of options increases all the time, only one panel gets too big => more simple for the user to find an option when they are grouped - vertical arrangement of the radiobox widgets (more consistent) - use Monday and Sunday radiobox widgets for week start - better text resources for unit settings (with example units) - Look&Feel selection in the Options dialog: the user can choose one of all the available look and feels, it will be changed at runtime without restart (so e.g. the great new Nimbus Look&Feel can be used with Java 6 UpdateN) - Calendar view: use of Home icon instead of Today button (more consistent) - Sport Type dialog: use of better understandable text resources (some with examples) and tooltips for descriptions - use of tag {@inheritDoc} do avoid documentation duplicates - project files updated for NetBeans 6.1 - the project now uses the new NetBeans Library feature, no problems with with absolute library file locations anymore - Groovy updated to version 1.5.6 - SwingX updated to version 0.9.2 - JUnit updated to version 4.4, bugfixes in unit tests - check the complete project with FindBugs => fixed a lot of problems - bugfix: proper error handling when creating application directory - all ST and PV data classes are now final - added Eclipse project files (Eclipse 3.3 + Groovy plugin) - increased list cell height and table row height in all views and dialogs (was too compressed) - layout bugfixes in SportsTracker and PolarViewer when using the Nimbus L&F - contributions by Kai Pastor : - Overview Dialog improvements: - dialog shows the last 12 months by default - added stacked view for all sport types (transparent graphs) - tooltips show sport type - fixed ticks v3.3.0: SportsTracker changes: - new Polish translation contributed by Zbigniew Ogledzki - updated to SwingX version 2008_02_03, the GTK-L&F bug for the data picker has been fixed ( - bugfix: workaround for using antialiasing in the date picker widgets (month view) when using GTK-L&F - bugfix in Exercise dialog: correct tab focus order in Exercise Data panel - updated to Groovy 1.5.4 (bugfix release) - new baseclass IDObject for all SportsTracker data classes (they all need unique IDs) - new generic class IDObjectList which contains unique instances of IDObject subclasses and provides usefull management methods (until now each data object with lists had this functionality) - unit tests for IDObject and IDObjectList - the classes Exercise, SportType, SportSubtype and Equipment are now subclasses of IDObject => less code needed - the classes ExerciseList and SportTypeList now extend IDObjectList, so all the list management functionality was removed, also in the test classes => no more "deep nested" method calls to get sport types or exercises - the SportSubType list and the Equipment list in the SportType class are now using IDObjectList, so all the list management functionality was removed, the SportTypeListTest class is not needed anymore - STView now stores the list of exercises to be displayed (can also be the filtered list), the benefits are: - the list is not stored in every view anymore, no more duplicate problems or deleted exercise references - less memory consumption (e.g. 1,3 MByte less for 1.400 exercises) - better performance, the list is only filtered once on data changes - ask the user for defining sport types when there are no available (better usability at intial startup) PolarViewer changes: - contribution by Roland Hostettler : support for displaying Polar F6 exercise files in PolarViewer and import the data from exercise files when adding new exercises - bugfix for SourceForge bug#1897208: no more JFreeChart exceptions in the Diagram panel when the exercise contains laps with same time second value - SourceForge feature request #1900878: percentual heartrate range support: - added abolute and percentual range support in class HeartRateLimit - Main panel: display percentual range values (e.g. 60 - 80 %) - Diagram panel: the current heartrate range is not displayed for percentual ranges (not possible, maximum heartrate is unknown) - unit test for parsing SRD exercises with percentual heartrate ranges v3.2.0: SportsTracker changes: - Overview Diagram: - new time mode: display statistic values for all the weeks of the selected year (modes before: 'months of year' or 'last 10 years until') - use of the new JFreeChart API (deprecated renderer methods) - Exercise Dialog: use of JXDatePicker (from SwingX project) for easy date selection and spinner widgets for easy time selection - Filter Dialog: use of JXDatePicker (from SwingX project) for easy date selection - Filter Dialog bugfix: use of the end of the day for the filter end date, otherise the exercises of the last day will not be included - Calendar View bugfix: show correct week number (of current year) when week starts on sunday - Exercise Dialog: redesigned user interface, splitted into separate tabs for main data, optional data and comment. The advantages are: - so there's enough space for future additions - many users only use the main data, so they are not bothered by all the other widgets - Options Dialog: removed the "always display optional exercise data" option, it is not needed anymore - updated french translation by Nicolas Ollivier - updated to Groovy 1.5.1 (no exception workarounds in test classes needed anymore) - Equipment tracking support: - added equipment support to the data (SportType, Exercises), filter and XML storage classes (and unit tests for all of them) - SportTypeDialog: the user can assign equipment to sport types (e.g. bikes for cycling or shoes for running) - ExerciseDialog: the user can assign the used equipment in exercises - Filter-/StatisticDialog: the user can filter exercises for specific equipment => so the user can e.g. check the total running distance for specific shoes - Exercise Dialog: button for copy the comment from previous similar exercises (with same sport type and subtype) => saves a lot of typing - Calendar View: improved look by using color gradients in calendar view (weekname line, background, summary, selection) - Calendar View: buttons for year, month selection does not have borders anymore on Windows XP and Metal (Swing default) Look&Feel - Exercice and Overview Dialog: use same height for spinner widgets as controls in same line (date picker or comboboxes) - added local JUnit 4.1 Jar, so there's no NetBeans library dependency for command line build anymore (or when NetBeans is not installed) - update to JFreeChart 1.0.9 (bugfixes) - history of resource (I18N) changes in I18N.txt (helpfull for translation updates) - Translations: - updated german translation by Stefan Saring - updated dutch translation by Eric Spierings - updated czech translation by Petr Marcik - updated french translation by Nicolas Ollivier v3.1.0: SportsTracker changes: - Bug#1825620: typo fixes in default (english) text resources - Bug#1825615: resizing the PolarViewer dialog can not hide buttons anymore (minimum size was set to the preferred size) - no error message at first application start (only shown on real problems when reading XML data) - update to JFreeChart 1.0.7 and JCommon 1.0.12 (lot of bugfixes) - updated to JDOM 1.1 (bugfixes and minor perfomance improvements) - the file chooser dialog for exercise files always starts in the previous selected directory (also after SportsTracker was restarted) PolarViewer changes: - Refactoring: - new ExerciseParser interface (was an abstract class before) - new AbstractExerciseParser class with common functionality for all parser implementations - Exercise parser plugin system: ExerciseParserFactory now uses the ServiceLoader for lookup the appropriate exercise parser implementation - no direct coupling between the factory and the parser implementations anymore - new parser implementations can be added just by adding the parser-Jar to the application classpath (no changes in SportsTracker required) v3.0.0: ---------------------------------------------------- - PORT OF THE COMPLETE APPLICATION FROM C# TO JAVA - ---------------------------------------------------- - use of JFreeChart for all diagrams, the major advantages are: - better visualization and labels - free zoomable - print of diagrams and save as image - tooltips for displaying graph values - - bugfix for SourceForge bug#1624457 (for RS200SD exercises): Diagram panel displays now AVG instead of end speed for laps highlighted value points in graph for better readability (in the Overview Diagram) - easier installation of the Java version, via Java WebStart or by using the binary version (Mono/C# version was published as source package only) - I18N works now on all systems (in Mono only in Linux) - much better performance in list view (Mono/GTK problems when many exercises) - much better performance in filtered views - List view: starts with descending sort of the date column (newest on top) - PolarViewer lap and sample panel: sorting for all table columns - multiple PolarViewer can now be opened for exercise comparison (bugfix, all dialogs have displayed the same exercise) - additional unit tests - SportsTracker translations: - new german translation by Stefan Saring - new dutch translation contributed by Eric Spierings - new spanish and basque translations by Asier Urio Larrea - new french translation by Nicolas Ollivier - new czech translation by Petr Marcik ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v2.5.1: PolarViewer changes: - Bug#1694513: HRM parser can now read exercises without lap data (e.g. from Polar S510) - updated czech translation by Petr Marcik - contribution by Vicente Blanco : workaround for Mono bug in Cairo drawing (no diagram graph in PolarViewer) => build needs gtk-sharp >= 2.8.0 v2.5.0: SportsTracker changes: - Overview dialog: when an exercise filter is enabled then the graphs only include the filtered exercises => so it's possible to create graphs dependent on sport subtypes, comments, intensity, ... - Filter dialog: added "All Time" button for selecting exercises of all the time - Bug#1688305: added missing mkdir's in Makefile - updated german translation PolarViewer changes: - HAC4 parser improvements by Ilja Booij : - support of 2, 5 and 10 sec recording intervals => so HAC5 and HAC4Pro exercise files are supported - correct parsing when exercise notes were added in HacTronic - additional unit test for a HAC5 exercise file v2.4.2: SportsTracker changes: - feature request #1620202: default intensity is 'normal' when adding new exercises - Execise dialog: the distance/speed/duration validation has now a tolerance of 10 seconds. This avoids error messages for valid input values when speed is shown in minutes/distance units. - contribution by Gary Ekker : configurable calendar weekday start (monday or sunday) - improvements in calendar weekday start code and use of the configured start weekday when computing the current week dates in the filter dialog - updated german translation PolarViewer changes: - bugfix for SourceForge bug#1624457 (for RS200SD exercises): Diagram panel displays now AVG instead of end speed for laps - bugfix in RS200SD parser: use speed 0 for AVG and MAX lap speed instead of convert it to distance/hour (was infinite before) v2.4.1: SportsTracker changes: - updated dutch translation contributed by Eric Spierings - contributions by Jacob Ilsø Christensen : - Statistic dialog: correct size for timespan - use of FormatUtils for heartrate and altitute text creation - updated german translation PolarViewer changes: - bugfix for SourceForge bug#1608042: improved compatibility for displaying HAC4 TUR files - contributions by Jacob Ilsø Christensen : - Lap data of exercises was extended by average lap speed - RS200SD parser reads the avarage lap speed - Lap panel: display the avarage lap speed - SRD raw and HRM parser: calculation of average lap speed v2.4.0: SportsTracker changes: - initial dutch translation contributed by Eric Spierings - contributions by Stefan Meissner - Exercise dialog: preselect sport type and subtype when only one type or subtype is available - Exercise dialog: round calculated distance and average speed to maximum 3 digits - Exercise List: added average heartrate column and units to distance and average speed columns (by Jacob Ilsø Christensen and Stefan Saring) - SF request# 1544241, by Jacob Ilsø Christensen and Stefan Saring: Configurable speed unit view: speed data can be viewed in distance/hour (e.g. cyclists) or minutes/distance (e.g. runners) => all dialogs and diagrams have been enhanced - POT-File update now accepts UTF-8 source files (Makefile) - updated german translation - correct loading of translation files from the locale directory relative to the installation directory, no more exceptions and workaround on startup (e.g. loaded from /usr/local/share/locale when installed in /usr/local - updated Win32 scripts for application compile and start - contributions by Jacob Ilsø Christensen : - Statistics Result dialog: more Gnome HIG compliant - Overview dialog: display speed in minutes/distance when enabled - Overview dialog: use of history diagram for the sum of all sport types, provides much better overview then the line graph PolarViewer changes: - contributions by Jacob Ilsø Christensen : - new FormatUtils method for formating speed and temperature informations instead of custom formating in each GUI panel - use of new FormatUtils SpeedToString() and DistanceToString() methods in many places => removes a lot of duplicated code - unit tests for FormatUtils methods - PolarViewer panels are now more Gnome HIG compliant (no borders, bold headers, ...) - keyboard shortcut CTRL+H for PolarViewer start - contribution by Jos Dehaes : - configurable option for display always the second diagram graph when data is available (feature request #1555838) v2.3.0: SportsTracker changes: - contributions by Jacob Ilsø Christensen : - SportType dialog: focus by default in name text field - SportSubType dialog: focus by default in name text field and Enter key has same function as OK button - XML parsers: schema validation fix (for sport types and exercises) - SportType and SportSubType dialog: bugfix for autoconnecting event handlers for double clicks, has crashed on some systems - SportType, SportSubType and Options dialog: Gnome HIG compliant label texts - Options Dialog is renamed and placed under Edit->Preferences in menu (GNOME HIG compliant) - labels in Exercise Dialog are now GNOME HIG compliant - added AssemblyInfo class with application informations - About dialog: version is read from AssemblyInfo class - Exercise Filter dialog: more GNOME HIG compliant and added tooltips - MonoDevelop project: ST project builds by default in the solution - STView: use of pluralization in internationalization (I18N) - updated Win32 compile and run scripts (for use of Cairo) - CalendarCellExerciseList Dialog: bugfix for crash with newest Gtk# versions (at least on Win32 systems) - Refactoring in Exercise class: It contains now real references to the associated SportType and SportSubType classes instead of ID's. Allmost all classes and test classes has changed. The advantages: => No more mapping functions on every access => code reduction, less duplicated and faster code and less errors. => No more additional validation after loading XML data needed => faster startup with huge data and less error handling. - Refactoring in ExerciseFilter class: use of SportType and SportSubType references instead of ID's. => No more mapping required in filters, statistics and overview diagrams. Code reduction and less duplicated code. - The objects Exercise, SportType and SportType have an overwritten equals-method now, so the Collections-API can be used properly. - Overview diagram: new display mode for exercise count of all sport type (sum) or each sport type - updated german translation - Refactoring by Jacob Ilsø Christensen and Stefan Saring: - unification of formating and conversion code in SportsTracker and PolarViewer - new FormatUtils class for unit system based and time based value formating => much less code duplication in all GUI dialogs and panels PolarViewer changes: - rewritten Diagram panel which uses the Cairo API now => looks much better, Antialiasing support => much simpler event handling => better visible vertical lap and horizontal heartrate range lines => use of continuous line drawing in Cairo for diagram graphs - contributions by Jacob Ilsø Christensen : - bugfix in Polar RS200SD parser for reading lap distance - bugfix in DiagramPanel for Polar RS200SD files: laps are now displayed correctly when bottom axis is in distance mode - improved conversion of themperature data to the unit system to be shown in all panels - PolarViewer now uses conversion methods of SportsTracker, so duplicated code has been removed v2.2.0: SportsTracker changes: - new feature: specify for each sport type wheather the distance needs to be recorded or not => so all kind of sport are supported now - sport-types.xsd is enhanced by the atty "record-distance" => updated parser and unit tests - SportType dialog: new "record distance" option (only editable when no exercises for this sport type exists) - Exercise dialog: distance and AVG speed inputs are disabled when distance is not recorded for selected sport type - Calendar page: don't displays distance when not recorded for the sport type - Statistic calculation: include also exercises without distance - updated usage instructions in README.txt - the installation creates a starter in the system menu (.desktop file) (make sure that MONO_DIR in the Makefile is correct for your system) - updated czech translation by Petr Marcik - updated german translation PolarViewer changes: - bugfix for diagram crashes when Polar RS200SD files contain no speed data, the speed mode is now deactivated when distance is 0 (reported by Jos Dehaes, SourceForge bug# 1524834) - diagram improvements for Polar RS200SD without speed data - all lap data is displayed in a table instead of displaying one lap => better overview and the data is easy comparable (patch by Jos Dehaes and improvements by Stefan Saring) - bugfix provided by Dave Frielink : the SRD RAW file parser sometimes crashed because of AM/PM problems v2.1.0: SportsTracker changes: - overview diagram: stop the graph line at the current month/year (it was falling to zero before although there can't be exercises yet) - updated spanish translation by Asier Urio Larrea - updated french translation by Stéphane Raimbault PolarViewer changes: - better visible vertical lap lines (dashed, green) in the diagram - tooltips in the diagram when the cursor is above a lap line, they display the current lap number, time and distance (suggestion by Tino Kissig ) - bugfixes by Berend De Schouwer : - improved Polar SRD raw file parsing (detection of lap and sample data start independent of Polar model) - improved Polar S725X compatibility - contribution by Jacob Ilsø Christensen : - diagram panel now also displays speed data in english unit mode v2.0.0: SportsTracker changes: - full integration of latest PolarViewer version into SportsTracker, PolarViewer is not a standalone application anymore - new menuitem "File->Open in PolarViewer" for viewing HRM files not assigned to an exercise - removed the configuration for external HRM viewer application from Options dialog - added contributors of PolarViewer application to SporsTracker About dialog - integrated all PolarViewer tests into SportsTracker - removed workarounds for Mono/Gtk# bug #74946 (manual event handler registration instead of AutoConnect) - all dialogs have usefull default buttons now (OK or Close) - updated Win32 compile- and run-Batch files for integrated PolarViewer - merged SportsTracker and PolarViewer translations for german, spanish and italian - updated german translation PolarViewer changes: - workaround for a compiler bug in Mono 1.1.14 - Contributions by Jacob Ilsø Christensen : - exercise duration is now stored and displayed in tenth of seconds (used on many new Polar models, e.g. the RS200SD) - footpad handling in RS200SD parser - the RS200SD parser now uses XML exercise files instead of binaries (these files can be downloaded by using Jani Hurstis tool at - the Diagram panel now displays herartrate and speed graphs for RS200SD exercise files (based on laps instead of samples) - HRM parser now also supports HRM files of version 1.07 (doesn't work with exercise files created by the SL2HRM tool, they have a corrupted HRM format) - bugfix in PolarRs200SdParserTest.cs v1.2.2 (never released officially): - added option for automatically save data on application exit (feature requests #1448051) - workaround for a compiler bug in Mono 1.1.14 in all view classes - replaced all [Glade.Widget] attributes with [Glade.WidgetAttribute] in all view classes (Glade.Widget is a base class not to be used) - Contributions by Jacob Ilsø Christensen : - fixes for typos v1.2.1: - integration of NPlot 0.9.9 - use of antialiasing in overview diagram - workaround for bug in Mono >=, application has crashed internationalization init at startup (reported by Felipe Lessa, bugzilla ID #1438971) - german translation update v1.2.0: - new column for week summary in Calendar view (displays distance and duration summary for all exercises of week) - use of UTF-8 encoding in XML data files (there were problems with languages such as czech) - czech translation made by Petr Marcik - updated german translation v1.1.1: - MonoDevelop-Project: updated references for MonoDevelop >= 0.8 - Contributions by Frank Besler : - initial version of status bar text for selected exercises - improvements for status bar text (now in both views, round) - updated Win32 batch files for compile and start (with Mono 1.1.10) - integration of PolarViewer 1.3.0, now it's also possible to import data from Ciclosport HAC4 TUR exercise files - file extension filter in "Open exercise file" dialog - updated german translation v1.1.0: - MonoDevelop-Project: updated references to GTK# 2.4.0 (since 2.3.90) - Makefile: start of unit tests with included NUnit assemblies - Fixed bug #1286559: problems at first application start on Win32 (reported by jurgenr) - GTK# 2.5.X compatibility: rename of AboutDialog to STAboutDialog (reported by Eugenia Loli-Queru ) - Contributions by Stephane Raimbault : - usage of import Mono.Unix instead of deprecated Mono.Posix - Makefile improvements (I18N processing for translation update and install) - updated french translation - updated spain translation (UTF-8) - updated I18N documentation - use of GNOME icon for Help->Info - Contributions by Frank Besler : - storing of calorie consumption for exercises (optional), added in Exercise dialog and XML persistence - import of calorie consumption from Polar files (Exercise dialog) - added calorie consumption to statistic dialog and overview diagram - added calorie consumption to unit tests - updated german translation (UTF-8) - feature requests #1193144 completed - selection of current day in calendar at startup v1.0.1: - removed unused widgets from code - Makefile improvements (removed deprecated compiler options) - removed workaround for Win32-Mono bug #74930, fixed in Mono 1.1.8 - new UML diagrams for use cases and class structures done with Poseidon CE ( - spelling fixes in GUI (reported by Stephane Raimbault ) - Contributions by Frank Besler : - scrolling with wheelmouse in calendar view (next/previous month) - french translation made by Stephane Raimbault v1.0.0: - changed all frames in GUI to be compliant to GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) => better overview for user - new Overview Diagram dialog which displays sums of users exercise data (distance, duration, ascent, AVG) in a diagram for each sport type (splitted) or the sum - the time range is either all months of a year or last 10 years until specified year (use of the great NPlot library for creating the diagram) - integration of PolarViewer 1.2.1 (Polar S725 support) - Win32 support: - updated scripts for using with Mono 1.1.7 installer (mono can be used instead of mint now, no .config file anymore) - storing of application options works now (bug in Mono was fixed) - workaround for overview diagram creation using temporary files - Makefile: installation of locale files with correct access rights - Makefile: correct installation of NPlot.dll - spanish translation made by Asier Urio Larrea - updated german translation v0.7.1: - usage of Mono.Posix.Catalog instead of custom Catalog class, it's standardized and has better support for Win32 - bugfix: proper file handling on reading/writing options file - full suport for Win32, documentation in Install-Win32.txt - added project files for MonoDevelop 0.6.x - improved clean target in Makefile - removed compiler warnings found by Mono 1.1.6 - bugfixes for stock-item-problems with libglade > 2.5.0 - use of ExerciseFilter class instead huge parameter list for passing filter criterias - added new FilterDialog which is for filtering exercises displayed in calendar or list view - added filter toolbar and menu items (for enable/disable) - the filter criterias of FilterDialog are stored in STDocument, on next dialog start they will be preselected again - the specified filter criterias in FilterDialog are reused in Statistic dialog - rewritten StatisticDialog which just displays current filter and starts FilterDialog if the user wants to choose another filter - updated test cases for changes in Mono 1.1.6 and Filter changes - Contributions by Frank Besler : - use of expander widget in Exercise dialog, which can hide the optional inputs when the user doesn't use them - keyboard shortcut for Home-button (Pos1 key) - OptionsDialog: added an option for always display optional exercises data (initial expander state in exercise dialog) - italian translation update by Alessandro Frigeri - update of german translation v0.7.0: - usage of GTK# 1.9.2 (bindings for GTK+ 2.4), because modern distributions provide libglade 2.4.0, but GTK# 1.0.0 only works with libglade >= 2.2.0 correct - update of glade file to glade 2.6.0 (required for GTK# 1.9.2) - proper stock icon handling in toolbars for GTK# 1.9.2 - replaced all OptionMenu with ComboBox widgets (OptionMenu is deprecated since GTK+ 2.4) - exercise dialog: no preselections for sport type, subtype and intensity (it was often forgotten to set, now the user is forced to select) - usage of new GTK# 2.4 FileChooser dialog - bugfix in Makefile (install) by Blindauer Emmanuel - use of Gtk calendar widget for date selection in exercise and statistic dialog - double click in calendar opens "Add exercise" dialog - included test framework NUnit 2.2 (not part of Mono anymore) - extended About dialog with contributor and translator names - remeber window size at exit and use same size at next startup - list of involved people in AUTHORS.txt - created SportsTracker project site at - Contributions by Frank Besler : - use of color selection dialog (problems with old version) in sport type dialog instead of RGB textfields - sorting in exercise list now works for all columns v0.6.3: - bugfix: open exercise files in PolarViewer with space characters in name (reported by ) - integration of PolarViewer 1.1.1 with improved support for HRM files - all dialogs will be placed in center of application window (transient) v0.6.2: - integration of PolarViewer 1.1.0 with support for Polar S610(i) SRD files - translation updates - start directory in exercise file dialog is '/var/polar' if it exists (standard file directory of the s710 tool) v0.6.1: - italian translation added, done by Alessandro Frigeri v0.6.0: - integration of PolarViewer parsers (v1.0.0) for importing exercise data from HRM (better then enter all recorded values by hand) - no more problems with values in english unit mode (e.g. when the user has entered 25 miles he has seen then 24,999999 miles) - use of application icon in all dialogs - menu and toolbar items for HRM file view (no need to click through dialogs) - table sorting in list view (for text columns only) - no more GUI "jumping" when changing the month in calendar view v0.5.0: - tooltips for toolbar - bugfix in Makefile for locale installation (directory /de/LC_MESSAGES was created) - all testcases: use of new Assert class and methods in NUnit 2.1.91 (the other are deprecated) and fixes for Mono 1.0 - shorten too long comments in exercise table (otherwise there are multiline table rows) - refactoring: the STView contains multiple page components for different views of the exercises - refactoring: cleanup and structuring in namespaces Dialogs and Pages - added Calendar view, which shows all exercises of one month - navigation functions for displayed month in Calendar view - dialog for exercise selection in Calendar view for actions on day cells with multiple exercises - the initial view can be configured in Options dialog - updated german translations - bugfixes in file selection dialog (Cancel / Escape button) - new SportsTracker icon, inspired by Eugenia Loli-Queru - custom icons for menu and toolbar (edit, calendar, statistic) - "make clean" removes all unnecessary MonoDevelop files - cleanup of project directory v0.4.1: - removed workaround for Gtk# bug 58229 (it was fixed) - changes in Makefile, it works now with Mono Beta 2 (0.95) - Makefile: uninstall task - internationalization support using gettext (using the Catalog class from Edd Dumbill ) - Makefile: tasks for creation of i18n files (pot, gmo) - german translation of SportsTracker - removed SportsTracker.GuiSwf classes v0.4.0: - initial public release - created README.txt file with installation and usage help - added workaround for Gtk# bug 58229, different sport types are having their own colors in list again - switchable unit system (metric and english) - exercise statistic can be created with a substring filter for the comments of the exercises (normal and regular expression mode) => this allows creation of statistics for e.g. special tour routes, which are described in comments (requested by Steffen Rehn) v0.3.2: - statistic calculation displays also minimum values (same as avarage and maximum) - Mono bug 564848 was fixed in Mono 0.91 => workaround removed - fixed compile and Makefile problems with mono / gtk-sharp 0.91 - save menuitem / button are only enabled when there were data changes - project file for using the MonoDevelop IDE v0.3.1: - fixed validation of distance, avg-speed and duration in exercise dialog - toolbar cleanup - display comments in list view - bugfix in Makefile for some distributions v0.3.0: - initial pre-release